Thursday, March 1, 2012


I really like being organized, but sometimes in kind of... odd ways.

My computer, for one.  I can't stand to have my desktop cluttered, or out of order.  I only let photos or documents stay there for about a day (if even that long) before I have to create a folder, or a sub-folder, to keep them in.

I've always felt that an organized workspace, or living space, makes for a more organized and efficient mind.

Sometimes, however, that lands me smack dab in the middle of a crazy overhaul that might be more than I can handle.  That's kind of where I'm at, now...  I decided all of my Etsy listings needed to have basically the same wording, aside from the really specific description of the item.  I also want to re-photograph every item (shop consistency!).  This sounds like a good idea, but man... this is going to take a while.

Am I too obsessive, or is this a good thing?


  1. I think it's a good idea. Streamlining and organizing your business should go a long way in helping to maintain or even improve a professional image. No rush, but good luck!

    1. I made more folders for my computer tonight. Hehe, it felt so good. I am soooooo type-a sometimes!

  2. I am the same way! I treat my email inbox as a "to do list" and archive emails as soon as I'm done with them. Alex can't believe I only have 10 emails in the inbox (he has hundreds).

    1. Hehe, I think we've had this discussion at work before... It's so refreshing, though, to see a desktop that's clean and efficient! It makes ME feel more efficient by default.
