Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What I'm Eating... Last Week of July

It was, to say the least, another busy week/month.  I'm a little overwhelmed, honestly, but it should start slowing down soon.

I had a half-day off earlier in the week, so I did a little shopping Andersonville, and enjoyed this yummy crepe at Icosium.  This was one of my favorite spots when I lived in Andersonville, so it was nice to visit again after over a year.

Banana & Chocolate Crepe w/ Mint and Whipped Cream
Icosium Kafé
Breakfast has been consumed, rather quickly, at my desk every morning, and these Greek yoghurts with fruit on the side have been a really nice treat.

Do you know how much Mr. Brown costs?  Only 69-cents, at the Asian market.  Yup.  I'm stocking up on these, for sure.

A quick visit to Starbucks yielded this fantastic little peanut butter mini-cupcake.

Mmm, Indian food!!  Yes, the dish there on the bottom really was fluorescent pink.  ;)

A wonderful pasta dish, with fresh tomatoes, and purple basil from my window garden!

Eating pizza and watching Harry Potter night -- this one was with mozzarella, basil & oregano, and Summer sausage.

You know how sports teams have mascots, right?  Well... I think this dish might be mine and Dave's mascot.  We love it, finger-lickin' lip-smackin' love it.  :)

Beef ribs with coriander and oregano, garlic, onions, and bacon; dipped in a Greek yogurt with fleur de sel and ground coriander.  zomg seriously, the ribs that changed everything!!

Oh, yeah, with squash and zucchini on the side.

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