Saturday, April 21, 2012

As much as I like to complain (mostly privately) about the "environment" at work, there is something to be said for weekends off.

Dave made French toast for breakfast, that was a nice start.

Then I beat his "unbeatable" time trial in MarioKart.  Yeah, I said it.  He has yet to realize it's happened... Sometimes it's the little victories that make the day.

I'm working on a custom order today for a customer, and still putting together some of the photo pendants I wanted to try out.  I don't really know if anyone wants to wear a photo of a cockroach around their neck (other than me, of course, because I'm weird like that) but I guess we'll find out once I list it on Etsy.

I'm going to be a vendor at the Music & Art Meet Culture Fest here in Chicago on May 20th, if you're in the area (or if you feel like visiting Chicago, which you totally should) stop by and say "Hello!"  It's only $10 if you buy a ticket in advance ($15 day-of at the door), and that includes an open bar from 6:15 - 7:15 p.m. -- yes, I said open bar, birds & blokes!  There will also be other crafters, vendors, music, and all kinds of fun stuff, so be there or be square!!  :)

1 comment:

  1. yay! I'm glad you're doing it. You should join us for the free events leading up to it!
