Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Little Dioramas

Today I finally started working on the little skeleton dioramas I've been talking about for-ev-er.  My little sunbathing beauty is resting on her towel on the shore, while her friend (not yet dried, or painted) wades in the water.  I added a bright sun, and a fluffy cloud, but I still have a LOT of work to do on them before they're anywhere near finished.  Still, progress is progress.

I also made and painted a coffin (with an opening and closing lid!), and a skeleton to go inside of it.  He's also drying and awaiting paint...

It's nice to have these little things to work on once I've finished my shipping insanity for the day, and I really like that I can get super-crazy-detailed about them, if I want to.  I'm going to add actual sand and shells from Lake Michigan to the sunbathing scene, and I want to fill the coffin with a multitude of both dried and painted flowers.

When I was a kid, I used to create little dioramas in our plastic laundry baskets.  I would hang them from the staircase, sideways, and get REALLY upset when my parents took them down.  I had a hard time understanding how they could be ignorant to my fabulous ability to create miniature worlds (sarcasm!), and how dare they think the house looked better without laundry basket dioramas hanging from the stairs!?  Really, the audacity...

But now I'm a grown up, and I can do whatever I want.  :)

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