Friday, December 28, 2012

What I am and what I ain't

So near the end of the year, a lot of people start talking about resolutions.  I'm not big on resolutions, for a lot of reasons.  For one, I think like gift-giving, it's not the kind of thing you should only do at certain times of the year.  If you want or need to make changes in your life, the best time for that is NOW, whenever "now" might be.  Also, I happen to think most people don't keep their resolutions.  Too much pressure?  Maybe that's part of it.

I'm nowhere near perfect, but I know who I am... and who I ain't.  Are there things I'd like to change?  Sure!  But I'm not about to set myself up for disaster just because it's the first of January.

You know what else comes around this time of year?  My birthday!!  I haven't figured out yet if I'm excited or wary about this particular birthday.  I was really excited, last year, to turn 30, it felt like an exciting milestone, and my Mom and one of my best friends were here in Chicago to celebrate with me.  Somehow, 31 feels a little different... not necessarily bad, but not really too exciting, either.

One of the things I ain't, is a shopper.  I'm not a girly-girl, I get frustrated when I'm in a clothing store for more than half an hour, I don't even like trying things on -- I just guess at my size, buy it if I really want it, and get on to the next thing.

But today, I shopped.

I've been waiting years (literally years) for these boots to go on sale.  Today I walked into the store, and they were finally in my price range -- let's be honest, the very high end of my price range -- and I just couldn't walk out without them.  There was one pair left, in exactly my size.  Happy birthday to me!

So to all of you looking forward to (hopefully not dreading) the New Year celebrations -- cheers!!  I hope you have a fabulous night, whatever you do.  Chances are good I'll be at home, eating a shrimp platter.  I'll be wearing my boots, even if I'm in my pajamas.  'Cause I've got style like that.

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