Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Want a free ring?

Okay, so I guess "free" isn't technically right, because once again I am asking for your support in the upcoming RAWartists showcase (Feb. 21st!!)...

But this time, I'm offering you a free ring from my Hearts & Arrows collection, and I'll even cover the shipping, 'cause I'm cool like that.

Just go HERE and buy your ticket!!
I get that not everyone can really use a 40% off coupon (although a few of you have, so thank you!!), but it's kind of hard to resist a free ring, isn't it?  Well okay, it still costs you $10, but gimme a break here, I'm not really used to (or good at) asking people for support.

In fact, that's been an obstacle for me before.  I can't tell you how many times I've needed a little help getting something up the stairs, or a shoulder to cry on, or someone to bounce an idea off of, but pretty consistently, even when offered this help that I need, I've said "no".  I used to blame it on me being Southern-raised, and how saying no was the polite thing to do.  But I'm not really all that polite most of the time, so I don't think that's it.

Maybe I'm just not good at admitting my weaknesses?  (I think Dave would promptly agree with that.)  Maybe I feel like asking for help opens me up to criticism?  Maybe I'm controlling, and would rather take care of things on my own?  Maybe all of these reasons, and then some more?

The thing is, I think RAW is actually trying to equip artists and makers with the tools they need to succeed by asking them to bring in this support.  It also brings people to the event, and helps me with the usual cost of participating in an event like this.  But there is a lesson in there, isn't there...?

I think there's also a lot of guilt that goes along with asking for help, for me anyway.  I've had to say no to plenty of friends, because I didn't have the money or the free time to support them.  It's difficult for me to ask for something that I haven't been able to give when I was asked.

Fellow artists and makers, how do you ask for help/support/sponsorship?


  1. I love that arrow ring!


    1. Thanks! I try to only make things that I would wear myself, which is difficult for Valentine's Day because I'm not really the lovey-dovey type, but the arrows fit the bill perfectly. :)
