Howdy-do, birds & blokes! Exciting news...
I'm going to be one of the artists at this upcoming show, and I'm SO looking forward to it! What I really love about shows like this is the opportunity to meet other artists and creators.
It's taking place on February 21st from 7:30 pm until 12 midnight at Double Door in Wicker Park.
So let me explain the deal to you...
I need to sell 20 tickets in order to cover the cost of my booth fee. They're only $10 (you would end up paying $15 at the door), and you can buy them through my artist profile page to specifically support me. Yay, me! ;)
Go here: my artist profile, and click on the little black box that says "Buy a Ticket for This Artist". Easy-peasy! As I've been telling my out-of-town family and friends... even if you aren't going to be able to actually attend the event, I can still use your support. But if you ARE in Chicago, and you CAN attend, you really should! There are going to be a bunch of amazing artists: painters, photographers, performing artists, musicians, fashion designers, and who knows what else. I've heard rumors of women walking around wearing nothing but body paint, and you know that sounds like a good time.
So thank you in advance, and I'll keep you updated at the time draws closer. I'm looking forward to meeting some of you in person!
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