I have love these little kitty salt & pepper shakers for a long time, taking them with me through three houses, eight apartments, and two states (not to mention all of the travelling in between)... but I think it's finally time for them to find a new home.
If they don't sell on Etsy this time, I won't try again, I'll just consider it a sign that they really are supposed to be part of my family. (I do love them dearly, but I'm running out of room in this little apartment!)
I would love to see them go to someone who would really love and appreciate them!
Buy them here:
Salty & Peppy, Vintage Salt and Pepper Shakers on Etsy
Salty & Peppy, Etsy.com |
unrelated to this post, but I just made the spinach lasagna from the recipe you posted and it was delicious!