Sunday, March 4, 2012

One of Those Days

Saturday was one of those days...  those days that are wonderful, relaxing, and entirely too few and far between.  Dave was out of the house, so I spend the morning continuing to photograph items for my Etsy shop.

When I was done with that, I sat down on the couch with a cup of hot chocolate + butterscotch schnapps (highly recommended), and watched Hoarders on Netflix.  You know what Hoarders does to me?  It makes me want to clean!  So, I cleaned up the kitchen, dining room, and kitchen, tried to reorganize the books (we still haven't bought or built a sufficient bookcase) and settled into the couch again, this time for silly old shows on MeTV.

Late in the afternoon, my CSA arrived (it was my first delivery, and I was so excited!), and I made a simple salad from some of the ingredients.

I know this doesn't sound like a very captivating day, but let me tell you it was.  Simple things like that -- drinking a yummy warm drink while the snow falls outside, being able to put my feet up on the couch and cuddle with the pups, having the apartment to myself for a day -- it was delightful.

Sunday could hardly live up to it.

Next Sunday, I will be getting ready to go back to work.  This upcoming week is my chance at a last hurrah of sorts, but I can't really imagine what I want to do with myself.  I think I should have brunch, at least once.  Linger lazily in a coffee shop, perhaps.  All of those things I won't be able to do during the week, anymore.  I hope you're all enjoying your weekend mini-hurrahs.  :)

If anyone in Chicago is in search of a CSA, I'm getting mine through Newleaf Natural Grocery.  I pay $15 for a small box of mixed veggies and fruits, + $5 for shipping to my door!  In the box this week I got 2 oranges, 2 bananas, 4 apples, 3 red pears, romaine lettuce, greens, celery, 8 carrots, and 1 pint cherry tomatoes -- all organic, and all very tasty!


  1. Wow thats a really good deal for CSA! I may have to look into that!

    1. It's a GREAT deal! I just discovered a head of broccoli that I hadn't initially noticed, too, so hooray! Broccoli spaghetti for dinner tonight. :)
