I keep thinking about that ever so typical sentiment from probably almost every graduation speech ever given -- "this is the first day of the rest of your life". Of course,
every day is the first day of the rest of your life... but some days are more significant than others. I've waited for this day for a long time, with both excitement and nervousness, and I'm finding that it's somewhat... anticlimactic. That's
okay, though. Not everything can be exciting, life-changing, and spectacular. But the funny thing about my first day working from home (and yes, I've deemed it necessary to name it my "home studio" and to check-in to it on Foursquare), is that it's a lot like a work day in an office. There are things to do, distractions, problems to solve, what feels like a never-ending supply of tasks to complete just so I can
start on what I really want to do... There are trade-offs: I don't have to wear khakis and a button-down shirt, but I do have to walk the dog and wash the dishes, I don't have to answer to any boss other than myself, but I do have to wonder if and when I'll get paid.
I said today I was going to photograph everything. That, as it turns out, is a much larger project than I had anticipated, especially considering that my boyfriend was taking up what is usually my photographing area (kitchen table) with his own projects. I managed to get a few done in the living room, but I can't imagine I'll really be able to photograph
everything in one day. I'm working on multiple colors of the same states, now, so that adds to my list! I'll give it a try, though... after lunch.
These are so cute!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Katie! I've been working my butt off on them, and the reward is getting to wear a different one every day. ;)