Saturday, March 23, 2013

Better than I expected.

There came a point last night, probably around 3am when we were still moving in boxes and shelves, that I thought "I've made a horrible mistake".  I felt pretty awful, but there it was -- we had so much stuff, we didn't have a kitchen, we had spent a small fortune (by our standards) on the U-Haul and new appliances, and I was really afraid.

What if this isn't at all what I thought it would be?  What if I was going to fall asleep crying for my old bedroom?  What if Dave was unhappy, too?

But this morning, all of those feelings of doubt faded away.  I stepped out the front door of my new building, onto a busy, bustling, loud sidewalk packed with people from all walks of life.  There were cabs honking their horns, and bicyclists defying death in the intersection, and I realized that when I had pictured moving to the "big city", this had been what I'd had in mind all along.  Chaos and noise.  It was like music to my ears.  I thought "this is all mine", and I smiled.

This is my little corner of the world now.  An office with a view, high ceilings, at least a decade of dust caked onto the windows, and a man outside picking through the trash and screaming at nothing or no one in particular, while I sit at my desk and listen to Charlie Parker.

I'm so immensely proud of where I am today, and so grateful that Dave is on board for this journey.  This is going to be a hell of a time.

Don't forget, I'm still running my giveaway for a season pass (for TWO!) to the Randolph Street Market here in beautiful Chicago IL!


  1. Replies
    1. Xiane, thank you!! I'm excited for YOU and you're studio!!

  2. Replies
    1. I can't wait to show it off, hehe... We've still got some major cleaning/rearranging to do, but I hope I'll be able to reschedule the potluck soon! I'll definitely keep you updated about that.
