Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Ah, what the heck!

Wanna hear a funny story?  Well, okay, it's not really a story, and it's not all that funny... but today I started packing up the kitchen, and was getting SO frustrated!  Where does all of this stuff come from, anyway?  I have three different kinds of flour?  I even found a stick o' lard.  Seriously, lard.  So I called my sister, and she assured me that this wasn't unusual (she is a fellow frequent-mover), that the kitchen is always the most difficult room to pack.

But the best part?

Our new place doesn't actually have a kitchen.

I've dramatically named this the "dedicated cooking area".

Yeah.  I'm going to spend at least 2-3 days packing up a room with nowhere really to put the things once I get them to the new space.  I find that moderately funny, anyway.

We've got kitchen-esque plans, of course.  Shelves, Mason jars full of dry goods, a fancy-schmancy new mini fridge (with an adorable little freezer).  But seriously, I might have to really start cutting down on my kitchen supplies, because this is starting to look a wee bit crazy.

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