I've wanted to write something for the past week, but I've been at a total loss on how to start it... I haven't really got anything to say, because this thing I'm thinking about hasn't happened yet, but just the thought of it is getting me all riled up.
I went to see an art/living space. I really liked it, and as I am prone to do, I got a little... obsessive. I think about the place almost constantly, and I've made more pros/cons lists than I care to admit to. All of them come out the same, with the pros outweighing the cons. I've also made quite a few hypothetical budgets. Oh, how I love making budgets.
But at this point, I'm having way more anxiety about it than it's worth. I want to get on here and tell you how excited I am, how it's totally going to work out, and post pictures of this beautiful space, but for now all I can do is wait.
I'm awful at waiting.
So if there is anyone out there reading this who believes in positive energy, please send some my way, because I could really use it right now. I want this to work out so badly, but not at the cost of my sanity, or my boyfriend's sanity more likely.
I appreciate you in advance. :)
Thank you!! I'm trying to just tell myself to accept what happens, but that's easier said than done. :)