Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Right now.

I've always thought the best part of falling in love was the part right before, when you're not really sure yet.  Is this love, do they feel it too, what will happen?  It's the part I always wish, once I'm fully into it, I had enjoyed for a little bit longer.  The possibility of it all disappearing in a fleeting second, the insecurity, the worry, the constant thinking about them, the not even being able to sleep for thinking about them.

Don't worry, I'm not falling in love with a person (I've already got that covered).

But a place... oh, what a place.

I don't want to say too much.  I don't want to share it all, and then see it not go through.  What I really want is in three weeks to look back on this day and remember it as the moment as I should have savored a little longer, the maybe-what-if part of it all.  The exciting part before you know for sure that something you have wanted for a really long time is going to happen.

So until then... bits and pieces... with the utmost confidence (okay, it wavers a little) that I will have some very exciting news soon, and pictures, and stories, and so much to share because I just can't contain myself.

Just give it up to the universe.  Expect it to be exactly as you want it to be, and it will.
That's what I'm going with.

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