Friday, April 29, 2011

What I'm Celebrating... a Royal Wedding

I guess most people are tired of hearing about the Royal Wedding, but I was thankfully spared over-indulgence in the whole affair until the very last moments, which made it really fun and exciting for me.  I prepared with white roses, English breakfast tea (I would be waking up at 2am to watch everything, so I would need a little something to keep me awake), cucumber sandwiches, chocolate dipped shortbread cookies, chocolate praline cups, and, of course, champagne!

White roses
English breakfast tea
Cucumber sandwiches
Chocolate praline cups
Chocolate praline cups, and chocolate dipped shortbread cookies

Champagne, ready for a toast!

And, yes, I dressed up... which lasted until about 3am, when I decided pajama pants were really the better choice...

No hat, but a very flowery headband, and white gloves
Around 10pm (three hour nap time)

A toast, to the lovely couple!!


1 comment:

  1. The English tea is the most important part, isn't it? Well, I would have gladly shared! :)
