Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Self-portrait Advice?

So I felt like I needed a model for my necklaces.  I wanted customers to see how/where they hang, what they look like on an actual human... but having mostly male friends, and no money to hire real models leaves me with two options: my dog, or myself.

Yes, I did actually try to get my dog to model a necklace.  He wasn't too into the whole "sitting still" thing, or the whole "wearing a necklace" thing, either.  Imagine that.

So my only other immediate option was myself.  Oh, dear.

Believe it or not, this was the best shot I could get of myself.  I kind of look like I just discovered my boobs, or maybe like I spilled curry down the front of my shirt.  But my hair looks good, and you can see the necklace, so it's a go!

If there's anyone out there who takes their own "model" photos, please, some advice??

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