Tuesday, February 12, 2013

In Need of Fresh Air

Does it look like someone wants to go outside?

This is one self-conscious dog, in his reflective rain coat, and orange rubber snow booties.
I think he looks like a little puppy traffic director!

We took a walk around the neighborhood, admiring the beautiful houses (mansions!?) on the surrounding blocks.  Some of these places are just stunning!  I actually didn't get a shot of my favorite house, because it was too big to fit the whole thing into the photo frame.  Anyway, it deserves a full post of it's own.  ;)


  1. Oh my goodness, those booties!

    1. I dare say he's cute in anything, but when he is first becoming accustomed to them is the best. He's almost afraid to put his feet down, and ends up in this galloping, scampering, feet-flying-sideways mess of a walk.
