Thursday, January 27, 2011

What I'm eating... Cranberry Oatmeal (meal challenge)

The good news for this "meal challenge" of mine ($40/week for two adults) is that when I'm sick, I don't have to spend any money on food, so I'm sure I'm quite on track!  The bad news is that when I'm sick, I'm a miserable and whiny little baby.  But I'm feeling better, so hopefully I won't have to burden my 'fella, and myself, much longer with my pathetic sick self.

So... comfort food!  I'm obviously quite taken with that term, I think any food for me is defined as "comfort food".  I just love food!

(clicking will take you to

Oats, fresh cranberries, salt, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, ground ginger

Decorate, Eat & Repeat

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