Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Overtime Time Officially Starts... NOW!

Over the last few weeks, I've managed to pull together a few wholesale-type orders-ish.  Haha, is that confusing?

I've been accepted into two different "flash sale" sort of sites, but of course, I can't really mention them until they're up.  One of them should be announced on Friday, so look forward to getting discounts on some of my pieces!  The first site is featuring my state charms and Chicago flag necklaces, the second is going to feature my map pendants.

South Carolina State Charm Necklace

Exciting, right?  Well, this is my first time doing a large quantity order, so I'm a little scared, and a lot excited.

The scary part is spending a large (for me) amount of money just to prepare for it, and then not knowing for sure if I will sell enough to cover that cost.  The exciting part is having my pieces viewed by so many people, people who may not visit my Etsy shop and wouldn't have seen them otherwise.  

So needless to say, I'm a bundle of nervous excitement!

If anyone out there has ever done large-scale wholesale, let me know about your experience!  I would love advice, encouragement, and all things positive-energy.

Look forward to the announcement of the first shop on Friday, here as well as on Facebook and Twitter!

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