Okay, I'm gonna be straight with y'all... I had a little bit of a scare the other day. In the interest of full disclosure: I spent my first year in Chicago in a really sad, awful, abusive relationship. We (obviously) went our separate ways, he moved out of the state, and I was hoping I would never hear from him again. Then the other night, he tried to follow me on Twitter. Now, to a "normal" person, or after a "normal" breakup, this wouldn't be a big freakin' deal, but to me, it was panic attack-inducing. My lovely sister helped me block him, but for the last few days I've been wary of putting too much of myself out there, because it's pretty easy to draw the lines, from Twitter, to Facebook, to Blogger -- it's not easy to hide online. I went through the options of making certain things private -- this blog, for example -- but I didn't want to cut off anyone who might read the blog, but not actually "follow" it officially. I thought about blocking all of my posts with pictures for only my followers to see, and that might still happen. It's really difficult to maintain transparency and encourage involvement with my customers and followers, while still keeping my life private.
Has anyone else ever been in a situation like this? Honestly, I hope not... but if you have, I could really use some advice, here. Where do I draw the line? I don't like the idea of allowing someone to live rent-free in my head, but at the same time, I want to be smart, and safe.
I'll be back up and running soon, I'm sure. Thanks for your encouragement and support! :)