Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I've been busy!

My Scoutmob shoppe is taking off pretty well, and I'm still working on my super-secret shop feature, but I probably can't announce that until around December...

Thank goodness, Dave agreed to re-arrange our living room this past weekend, so I have a much nicer spot to work, and our living area is a lot more spacious, and clean.  I love a good Autumn cleaning, because I tend to go into a major nesting period during the cold months.

Oh!  Speaking of cold months!

Yeah, my hair is a mess, but... Xmas trees!!
Xmas trees have arrived at Jewel-Osco!  I am absolutely determined to have a live Xmas tree this year, and to have it up by the Friday after Thanksgiving.  It will make up for the two years past when I had an Xmas chair instead of a tree... yeah, I said a chair.

Then we'll just need a little bit (a lot!) of the white stuff, and I'll be a happy girl.  Remember "Snowpocalypse", fellow Chicagoans?  Good times.

I hope y'all are looking forward to a nice Thanksgiving, with the people/pets/side dishes that you love!


  1. happy thanksgiving !
    thanks for the congrats on the class !

    1. Of course, I hope it goes really well for you! :)

  2. Happy Thanksgiving (yesterday), to you too! Hope it was wonderful :).


    1. We didn't even celebrate until yesterday (Saturday), but it was nice, thank you!
