Thursday, April 4, 2013

Slow improvements in the studio.

I can't believe how long it took us to unpack some of these boxes!  When we used to move somewhere new with my Momma, she was the absolute BEST at having boxes unpacked almost right away, the living room set up promptly, and dinner (usually home-cooked!) on the table that night.  In my very vivid imagination, that's how things always go... in reality, however, it apparently takes me a week or two.  I will blame this entirely on my 'fella, and leave it at that.  ;)

I've got my work desk set up, and knick knacks in the window

I've got a great view for smoking cigarettes/drinking coffee/eating cereal

I've got the "dream closet" (at least as far as size is concerned)

I've got the couch and the "wall of books" and my jewelry set-up

I've got a cozy place to sleep (albeit LOUD)

I've got my bike all fixed up and ready for the warm weather (if it ever arrives)

and, I've got places to get delicious vegan food!

I don't suppose a girl could ask for much more.


Oh, yeah, and the Cubs are at home on Monday.  So life's good.

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